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There's a scene in Sex and the City that's one of my all time favourites - after getting drenched during her tragic but romanticize...

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

My Nan

I often describe my family as a foodie family, and this extensively comes from my nan. Today my nan passed away. She was an amazing lady in more ways than I could list here, taught me many things, and above all loved me dearly. I have so many happy, fond memories of my nan, but something she taught me I'll carry with me forever - when it comes to food, the more the merrier. Anyone and everyone were welcome at my grandparents table, long before I was ever born. Nan was happiest when she had friends and family gathered around and preparing a meal for them. My Nan had so much love to give and always showed her love by cooking and sharing, something that I cherish and live by myself. I have a pot of chicken soup on the stove as I type this - I couldn't think of a better way to tribute such a wonderful lady, and show my family that I love them. Rest In Peace Nan. I love you. Benjamin Luke x

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